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Russian UN Ambassador Insists ‘U.S. Is Directly Involved’ in Attack on Crimea

Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Vassily Nebenzia gave a press conference June 24 in response to the Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol, on Sunday, June 23. Nebenzia said that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has started to investigate the attack, and reiterated Russia’s stance that “All responsible for this and other terrorist attacks will be held accountable…. The strike targeting civilians in Sevastopol will not go unanswered. There will be measures in response. The Russian Federation will continue to protect its people and its national security until no threat is posed by the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev that was bred, raised, and financed by the West.”

He left no ambiguity as to the responsibility of the U.S.: “The fact that the U.S. is directly involved in this crime is beyond any doubt. Washington and its allies foster a Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and encourage their puppets in Kiev to commit terrorist acts against civilians. Recently the NATO countries gave the Kiev regime a green light to conduct strikes deep into the Russian territory.”

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