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Ryabkov Responds to Questions on BRICS and CSTO

During his exclusive interview with Izvestia, published today, on the sidelines of the June 25-26 Primakov Readings forum, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov and Izvestia’s Semyon Boykov dwelled extensively on the expansion of BRICS, the plans for alternative financial arrangements, and what role, if any, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) would play in addressing UAF attacks deep into Russian territory.

Asking about the various proposals regarding the use of stablecoins, a platform that will connect the different digital currency systems, and the creation of a transnational financial messaging systems, Ryabkov indicated that all of this would take time and further negotiations. “I think we are acting on all three of these fronts quite vigorously and evenly. We are not in a deadlock in any of them,” Ryabkov said. “After all, the BRICS countries are an association of like-minded people who understand why this is necessary and proceed from a common assessment of what is required to improve the reliability and operability of international financial systems. Professionals in this field say that reaching agreement on only one of these three segments will not be enough. A comprehensive approach to the task is needed. Now there is already a significant array of ideas, and they are interlocking with each other. Experts and professionals from the ministries of finance and central banks of all countries are working on this.”

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