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Ryabkov Insists New BRICS Members Cannot Have Participated in Illegal Sanctions Policies Against Russia

In a Moscow press conference June 18, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov was blunt that one of the key issues for Russia in deciding which countries can join BRICS is that they cannot be participants in the sanctions against Russia or any other BRICS member.

“For us, one of the key criteria for admission to BRICS and welcoming partner states is non-participation … in the illegal sanctions policies, illegal restrictive measures against any BRICS participant, first of all, of course, against Russia.” Ryabkov added that the other BRICS members have a “full understanding” and agreement on this point. “The fact that BRICS will grow and find new forms both with partners and in terms of its own expansion is indisputable.” He said the 10 current members have “adjusted” to each other and are now working “as a team.”