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Senator Vance Cautions, ‘Risk of Nuclear War’ Highest in 40 Years

Senator James David Vance (R-OH) wrote on his X account yesterday that President Joe Biden is sleepwalking into World War III: “I just spoke to a friend I trust on what’s going on in Russia. I think the risk of nuclear war is higher now than at any point in my lifetime. Biden is sleepwalking into World War 3.” Vance was born in 1984.

Vance re-posted a tweet that included a portion of a May 31 Politico article, “‘War Has Found Them’: Biden’s Ukraine Gamble Sets a New Course.” That article began: “Despite his best efforts, President Joe Biden just plunged the U.S. deeper into the fight in Ukraine. Soon, Ukraine will be using U.S.-made weapons to strike inside Russia—a nuclear-armed power—with a U.S. President’s blessing.” The lead photo of Biden being saluted by troops bears the caption: “President Joe Biden’s choice to cross the line on striking inside Russian territory is likely to lead to pressure to go further.”