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Ukraine: Russian Border Security Official on NATO Nuclear Strike Training Near Russian Border

Vladimir Kulishov. Credit:

Under the title “NATO Training for Nuclear Strike on Russian Territory—Top Border Security Official,” on June 9 the Greek website Defend Democracy published an article based on an interview with Vladimir Kulishov, head of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service with Sputnik, first published on May 28. That interview was also covered by Iran’s Mehr News Agency.

The article starts off by Kulishov saying that NATO is training to strike Russian territory with nuclear weapons near its borders. “‘Near the Russian border, NATO’s reconnaissance activities are increasing, the intensity of operational combat training of the alliance’s troops is growing, during which scenarios for conducting combat operations against the Russian Federation, including the launch of nuclear strikes on our territory, are being worked out,’ he said.” He added that “the situation requires ‘taking appropriate steps to protect and secure our borders.’” The second part of the article goes into the overall increase of attacks and attempts to infiltrate Russia from Ukraine.

(On May 22, the first attack from Ukrainian territory on a “Voronezh-DM” radar in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region occurred, followed on May 27 by a Ukrainian drone targeting a long-range radar at a “Voronezh M” radar near the city of Orsk, Orenburg region.)