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Ukraine’s power and electrical infrastructure has become a major target for Russia in their SMO in Ukraine. So much so that Russian expert John Helmer reports that 86% of Ukraine’s electricity generating capacity has been destroyed, according to the Washington Post. Russia is even targeting the last power plants and the transmission lines from the European Union which were replacing electricity which the Ukrainians can no longer generate for themselves. Helmer calls this the “Russian Electric War” and says that this is how Russia is planning to bring Ukraine to its knees. This includes microwave and mobile phone towers as well, which is causing Ukraine’s cellular network to collapse at the same time.

Helmer quotes a U.S. military source that: “This is Russian deep battle, being fought in fact by the General Staff while its operations continue to be restricted in Moscow for political reasons. Soon the impact will be impossible to cover up. For now, we know how bad it’s getting by the lack of discussion about how bad it’s getting.”

Ukrainians are already putting out the alarm. “We are catastrophically short of electricity for our needs,” said Sergei Kovalenko, CEO of the Ukrainian private electricity distributor YASNO. Kovalenko also forecast recently that Ukrainians should expect power for only 5-6 hours/day this winter, but that this may have to be revised again depending on what happens over the next months.

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