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'Americans Must Recognize Threat of Ukraine-Russia Escalation'—Baltimore Sun Publishes Op-Ed by LaRouche Organizer

Under the title “Americans Must Recognize Threat of Ukraine-Russia Escalation,” the Baltimore Sun published the following Opinion page feature on July 26, by LaRouche movement organizer Doug Mallouk:

“In just three-plus weeks, Americans have been hit with a series of jolting shocks including the remarkable non-performance of President Joe Biden in the presidential debate, the assassination attempt on ex-President Donald Trump, and now the incumbent’s decision to exit the race. Whew!

“But the most amazing aspect of the unfolding situation is what hasn’t changed at all. Both before and after the above developments, our nation has been headed rapidly toward an extinction-threatening war with Russia and possibly China as well. Consider that in late May, Ukrainian drones hit and damaged a Russian nuclear early warning station some 300 miles away from the border. Then, in mid-June, U.S.-built ATACMS missiles were launched from Ukraine at various civilian targets in Russia. One exploded over a beach in Sevastopol, killing four Russians and wounding 140 ("NATO allies call China a ‘decisive enabler’ of Russia’s war in Ukraine”,” July 11).

“Those dismissing all this as simply a byproduct of the Moscow-Kyiv conflict should be asked: What if the roles were reversed? How would Americans react if drones flying from, say, Cuba, had knocked out a U.S. nuclear warning base? What would our leaders do if Russian missiles fired from, say, Nicaragua, had killed American beach-goers in Miami? Does anyone think the response would be confined to some grandiose diplomatic protest?

“The pathetic pretext that this is somehow about defending democracy in Ukraine holds water like a sieve. Among other outrages, the government of that unhappy, collapsing nation opted to cancel elections altogether last year. ‘President’ Volodymyr Zelenskyy, whose term expired on May 21, now rules by martial law. Is propping up this sterling exemplar of freedom really worth billions of dollars, untold thousands of Ukrainian lives and the attendant risk of World War III?

“The actual reason for this proxy war (and others) is much simpler. Centuries of Western colonial domination are ending with a thud! While the U.S. and Europe flirt with economic suicide, the Global South is moving to a new system based on sovereign nations and physical production. Instead of embracing and joining this effort, our government is channeling its inner King Canute, instigating forever wars in a desperate attempt to halt the wave of decolonization.

“If we get there in one piece, will the November election change any of this? That depends not only on whom we elect but on what we’re willing to fight for—before and after the vote.”