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Lukashenko Warns Western Troops on Belarus’s Borders Is NATO Plan for Escalated Warfare

Belarus’s President Aleksandr Lukashenko today situated the increasing tensions on the country’s border with Ukraine as NATO’s attempt to most efficiently ratchet up tensions for an escalated, regional war. In a meeting with Chairman of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, visiting Belarus as part of the July 3 Independence Day celebrations, Lukashenko said, as quoted by the official BelTA news agency: “I think you … see what is going on around Belarus. They just can’t wait to drag us into their military squabbles. [They are doing it] in order to make us stretch [our forces] along the border, to make us unable to put up resistance, and to escalate the situation to the point where the whole world will tremble.” He added that Minsk must remain on guard, as the situation is “very serious.”

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