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Belarusian President Warns Against Ukrainian Provocations on Border

Minsk continues to warn the Kiev regime against any provocations across the Ukrainian-Belarusian border. “I’d ask the Ukrainians not to play with fire. It is very dangerous,” Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said yesterday at a government event ahead of Belarus’s Independence Day, marked on July 3. “We will spare no effort to prevent the slightest escalation. I want the Ukrainian leaders to heed this,” he stressed.

“I can guarantee that we will not tolerate any clashes on the border with Ukraine. There won’t be any,” he stressed, adding that border clashes are neither in Belarus’s nor Ukraine’s interests, especially bearing in mind “the developments on the battlefield.”

He said that instead of talks, the West wants escalation. “Lots of money has been injected into Ukraine. I am absolutely sure that the West, first of all, the Americans are unwilling to leave Ukraine. It is a good stronghold, good soil. Who is going to withdraw from there? But there are not enough people to continue fighting. So, an escalation is needed to deploy NATO troops. Mercenaries are not enough,” the Belarusian leader noted. In his words, the frontline situation is “catastrophic, very serious” for Ukrainians. He warned however that if anyone violated the border, “the response will be really tough and harsh.”

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