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Blinken, Stoltenberg Bash China for ‘Fueling’ Russia's War on Ukraine

Secretary of State Tony Blinken used his July 2 appearance at the Brookings Institution, for a “Conversation on U.S. Foreign Policy,” to attack China for supplying technology to Russia that he claimed makes it possible for that nation to continue its aggression against Ukraine. China “is providing all the inputs necessary for [Russia] to sustain the war,” he added, asserting that 70% of machine tools and 90% of microelectronics that Russia imports, come from China. “For Europe,” he concluded, “that means … arguably the biggest security threat that they face, the biggest since the end of the Cold War, China’s playing a role in fueling that.”

Blinken ominously intoned that “our partners in Asia, again, understand that if you allow aggression to go unchecked anywhere, it becomes a greater threat everywhere”—implying that these Asian partners must be bolstering their defenses to respond to threats by purported aggressor China.

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