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China Daily Covers Zepp-LaRouche Comments on the NATO Summit

In an article in China Daily, Washington correspondent Yifan Xu extensively covers comments by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on NATO, the war in Ukraine, and the danger of general war. On July 11 Zepp-LaRouche exposed accusations that warmongers raised regarding Putin’s alleged intentions to restore the Soviet Union, take over all of Ukraine and to move in on NATO countries to the west. “I have not seen any fact, any proof that accusation is truthful, but the entire NATO behavior rests on that characterization of Putin’s intentions supposedly. But that arrogance of the so-called collective West is the problem,, because it is that arrogance which prevents these people from seeing the world as it is,” she asserted.

Addressing Kyiv’s urging it be allowed to use Western weapons to strike deep into Russia, Zepp-LaRouche insisted, “This idea that what is now being pushed practically by all of NATO, that all weapon systems can be used deep into the territory of Russia is a prescription that sooner or later we will reach a point of no return.” Xu followed up, asking about the decision to deploy long-range missiles in Germany that could target Russia, which Zepp-LaRouche compared them to the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis: “It is a legitimate security interest of Russia to make that point.”

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