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China Denounces the Open Threat to All of Asia in Japan’s New Defense White Paper

China’s Global Times Global Times reviews and denounces the “Defense of Japan 2024” White Paper“Defense of Japan 2024” White Paper, which emphasizes the threat of intervening in Taiwan. Beijing’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian told today’s press briefing that “it gravely interferes in China’s internal affairs, again seeks to play up the ‘China threat’ narrative, and hypes up regional tensions.” The Global Times advises Japan not to “act as a vanguard of NATO’s Asia-Pacific expansion.”

Da Zhigang, director of the Institute of Northeast Asian Studies at Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times today that describing Beijing’s justified reunification efforts with Taiwan as an invasion “shows Japan’s real intention of provoking regional tensions and demonizing the Taiwan question, serving to pave the way for its further introduction of NATO into the Asia-Pacific.”

Global TImes notes that “Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol during a meeting in Washington that Japan and South Korea will strengthen cooperation with the U.S., as well as NATO and Indo-Pacific partners.”