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Economist Wonders: Did CrowdStrike Strike Out, Or Did It Strike?

In an article on his website today titled “Other Than Nuclear War, the Digital Revolution Is Mankind’s Greatest Disaster,” economist and author Paul Craig Roberts railed against the July 19 CrowdStrike cybersecurity update “glitch” which shut down airplanes, bank accounts and a vast number of services, including health, police and fire in various parts of the world.

“All of this and more happened because a CrowdStrike cybersecurity update contained an error that closed down services relying on the Microsoft operating system.

“Ask yourselves why humans, if they are actually intelligent, which I often doubt, would construct and impose such a fragile and easily disrupted system of communication. In my opinion the digital revolution is the work of people with insufficient vision and ability to comprehend the obvious fragilities of the unreliable and easily compromised digital system on which we find ourselves dependent….

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