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U.S. Cancels Defense Exercise with Georgia as Punishment for Being Independent

Georgia is apparently no longer Russo-phobic enough for the U.S. The Defense Department announced in a statement yesterday that the U.S. “has initiated a comprehensive review of the United States-Georgia bilateral relationship. As part of that review, the United States will indefinitely postpone this iteration of exercise NOBLE PARTNER in Georgia, originally scheduled for July 25-August 6, 2024.”

“The decision to postpone this iteration of NOBLE PARTNER is due to the Georgian government’s false accusations against the United States and other Western entities, to pressure Georgia to open a second front against Russia to alleviate pressure on Ukraine, and of participating in two coup attempts against the ruling party,” it said. “As such, the United States government has determined that this is an inappropriate time to hold a large-scale military exercise in Georgia. The United States will continue to partner with the Georgian Defense Forces as we look to continue strengthening Georgia’s ability to safeguard its sovereignty and maintain its territorial integrity.”

Georgia’s government had upset the Atlanticist “permanent war” gang by passing legislation requiring NGOs in Georgia to declare where their foreign funding comes from. Such actions undermine the ability of secretive foreign operations to carry out regime change. Georgia’s authorities certainly saw the hand of foreign operatives in attempting to overthrow their legally elected government. And certainly one notable case of regime change, the April 2022 overthrow of Pakistan’s Imran Khan, has been shown to be due to his unwillingness to drink the “break down Russia” Kool-Aid.

The Georgian government has expressed “regret” at the U.S. decision to postpone the exercise. “We regret regarding the statement of the United States Department of Defense on the indefinite postponement of multinational exercise Noble Partner 2024,” the Georgian Defense Ministry said in a statement, reported TASS. The document emphasizes that the Georgian-U.S. exercises are beneficial for both countries.

Armenia, on the other hand, seems to be reaching for the poison cup. The Armenian Defense Ministry announced this morning that the Armenia-U.S. Eagle Partner 2024 military exercise will be held in Armenia on July 15-24, with troops from U.S. Army Europe and from the Kansas National Guard."The purpose of the exercise is to enhance the interoperability of units participating in international peacekeeping missions, exchange best practices in control and tactical communication, and improve the readiness of the Armenian unit,” it said, reported TASS.

One might add that another purpose of having U.S. troops in Armenia is to irritate the Russians.