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China’s Global Times published an article on July 23 on the third plenum of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee that focused on China’s innovation-driven economic model and the implications for the nations of the Global South. The Central Committee is implementing an “economic development blueprint that lays the foundation for increased productivity and technological breakthroughs,” it says, which will help it navigate an international situation that has become “increasingly complex.”

Importantly, the article highlights the implications for nations of the Global South that are increasingly enabled to follow China’s “independent development paths” and therefore to “leapfrog to more advanced levels.” “With firm commitment to continuous reform and opening-up, the gathering also offered a sense of continuity and certainty to the Global South,” the article stresses.

Quoting Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, Global Times writes: “The country’s innovation-driven strategy is also consequential for other developing economies…. She suggested all the countries across the Global South apply the principle of continued innovation in the same vein as China, so they don’t have to repeat a prolonged process of industrialization.”

The article also quotes another analyst, Maya Majueran, director of Belt & Road Initiative Sri Lanka, who said: “China’s economic miracle inspires many developing countries to adopt similar policies and approaches. Therefore, China’s plans for further deepening reform will further encourage other countries to follow China’s development paths and systems to achieve inclusive economic growth and development, and to support common development and prosperity for all countries in the global village.”

The author, Li Xuanmin, finishes by again referring to Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche: “According to Zepp-LaRouche, China’s pledges to build a community with a shared future, as well various initiatives it proposed, represent the best offer of concept to get through extreme turbulences.”