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Huge Integrated Steel Mill To Be Constructed in Libya

One of Türkiye’s biggest steel companies, Tosyali Holding, has agreed to build a huge integrated steel mill in Libya that promises to become one of the largest in the world, according to an agreement signed by Chairman of Tosyali Holding Fuat Tosyali and Ahmed Gadalla, Chairman of Libya United Steel Company for Iron and Steel Industry (SULB) in Benghazi, Libya on July 19.

Commenting on the investment after the signing, Tosyali said: “By focusing on value-added steel based on local production, our regional investments create a positive economic, environmental and social impact by fostering value, employment, development, and welfare in the countries we enter.” For his part, Gadalla said the new steel mill will “make a crucial step towards Benghazi/Libya’s industrialization and the development of the steel industry,” reported Construction Review.

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