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Kabul Officials Met with 30 Nations and Groups at Doha UN Meeting on Afghanistan

A delegation of six members of the Afghanistan government met for two days in Doha, ending tonight, with representatives of some 30 nations, multilateral banks, the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and others, on matters including anti-narcotics, the economy, the private sector, and governance. The government of Qatar hosted the event, chaired by UN Under Secretary Rosemary DiCarlo.

Zabihullah Mujahid, head of the Taliban delegation, who is chief spokesman for the government, indicated that the meetings went well. He said he raised the necessity for the unfreezing of Afghan assets, and lifting banking restrictions. “Afghans are questioning why the easing of sanctions on financial and trade sectors remains slow-paced? Why are the government and the private sector consistently confronting various challenges?”

The need to support Afghan farmers who have stopped growing opium poppy was discussed. DiCarlo said at her press conference today: “Afghanistan also needs support in building on progress made in curbing drug production.”

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