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Kenyan Diaspora Targets IMF, Insist on Resignation of U.S. Ambassador

Reported in several Kenyan newspapers July 3 is that the “Kenyan diaspora in Washington, D.C.” has sent what the Nation newspaper described as a “scathing” letter to President William Ruto, calling him out for his obeisance to IMF diktats and his persistent characterization of the Generation Z protesters as “criminals.” They insisted on the release of dozens of protesters still being held by police since the June 26 protests—which is now being referred to as Black Tuesday in Kenya—along with the protesters who died in a “shootout,” whose remains are still being held by authorities.

The Nairobi Wire wrote, “Addressing the broader economic context, the Kenyan diaspora criticized the International Monetary Fund for its role in the Finance Bill 2024. They noted that the bill was drafted to comply with the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Program, aimed at securing concessional financing under the Extended Credit Facility"; and Nation adding, “They demanded that IMF Mission Chief to Kenya Haimanot Teferra take responsibility for her role in creating the economic conditions that have fueled widespread civil unrest in Kenya.”

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