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Orbán's Constructive Diplomacy Enrages NATO/EU Radicals

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has been in the forefront of a NATO/European Union cabal attempting to stop Hungary’s Presidency in the Council of the European Union, because of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s meetings with the Presidents of Russia and China on July 5 and July 8. The Presidency began on July 1, and on July 2, Orbán began his peace diplomacy in a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv.

Whereas the mainstream media are floating calls to kick Hungary out and replace it by Poland in the EU Council Presidency, with one of the most radical proponents being the German Marshall Fund demanding for stripping Hungary of its voting rights in the EU. But there has been no indication of anything like that pursued actively by EU governments yet. Resolutions by a European Parliament majority (the past parliament, which will be replaced) against Hungary may make headlines, but are not binding.

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