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Restoring Russian-EU Relations Is Only Possible If EU Makes Policy Change

In an interview with RTVI July 17, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Russian Mission to the EU Kirill Logvinov declared that restoring relations with the European Union would be impossible if the EU sticks to its anti-Russian policies. According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Logvinov said:

“Today, we have essentially no relations with the EU, a bloc of states that has been waging a hybrid war against our country for years. Dialogue with Brussels will have to be built anew, I would even say from square one. This process will be long and challenging.

“We do not aim to return to the previous level of relations. All the more so because the world has changed and the EU is no longer the same as it used to be. We are ready to talk to the EU, but first of all they should demonstrate their ability to listen to us and take Russian interests into account.

“The EU takes an opportunistic, purely ideological approach to many, if not all, topical issues. In practice, this means that EU officials often cannot see beyond their own noses, are unable to think ahead, and make decisions that defy logical explanation.

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