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Ritter Urges for Independent Congressional ‘People’s Commission’ on Trump Assassination Attempt

Scott Ritter gave an interview on July 18 to the “Dialogue Works” podcast by Nima R. Alkhorshid, regarding the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. In the course of his remarks, he recommended that an independent commission of inquiry be established through the United States Congress to investigate, because “neither the Secret Service nor the FBI could be trusted to investigate themselves.”

Ritter was straightforward, but controversial, in his assessment. “The Secret Service of the United States has one job, and one job only: That’s to prevent somebody from shooting at the protected individual. That’s their job. That’s the proactive side of their job, which is the most important part. … The Secret Service … exists to prevent the shot from being taken. The Secret Service failed. There’s no other way, no other way to interpret what happened, other than they failed…. But generally speaking, the Secret Service job is to eliminate all potential possibilities—that’s their job. They do advanced surveys, security surveys, and then they come up with a plan. The Secret Service is a zero-tolerance institution,I mean, there’s zero tolerance for failure. You can’t fail! … Why? Because one mistake could cascade into the error that causes a breakdown in the security that you’re supposed to put around the person being protected.

“What happened with Donald Trump was not a mistake. This was so massive, that it had to be deliberate. The Secret Service is an institution that has zero tolerance for mistakes, zero tolerance for error. And if that’s the approach, when you’re confronted with systemic failure of the system, it’s deliberate. It can’t be interpreted as any other way.

“Now, of course, we all want to wait and see what the investigation is, but here I have some concerns. Who’s doing the investigation? If this is a systemic failure—meaning that the Secret Service was directly involved in facilitating the processes of the assassination attempt—that means the Establishment is involved. It means, can you trust the Department of Homeland Security to investigate itself? It’s investigating the Secret Service. The FBI’s National Security Division is empowered by law to do this, but they’re the ones that have been going after Donald Trump since 2016–Operation Crossfire Hurricane. The politicization and weaponization of the national security apparatus against this man, Donald Trump, who has been classified, characterized by the President of the United States on down, the Establishment, as representing an existential threat to American democracy, to America itself.

“An existential threat. That’s life and death. That means, if this man is elected, America dies! That’s what they’re saying. You cannot allow this man to be elected under any circumstance. If that’s not a call for assassination, what is? If you’re speaking to the American people, saying, ‘this man poses a threat that is equivalent of Adolf Hitler’—and some have made that claim—what do you do? … So, if Donald Trump is being called the modern-day equivalent of Adolf Hitler, who, if he gets elected, poses an existential threat to the survival of America, what signal is the President sending? What signal is every senator, who echoed that, sending? Every Congressman or -woman, representative, every media personality, every actor, every member of the Establishment….

“They tried to destroy Donald Trump in 2016. The FBI National Security Division, Operation Crossfire Hurricane: We know now today that was a 100% manufactured case, with no basis in reality: It was the FBI, working with the CIA, working with the Obama Administration, working with the Hillary Clinton campaign, to try and craft the narrative that Donald Trump was working with the Russians to undermine American democracy—completely false narrative, completely false! But the FBI was the one that was promulgating that, along with the Establishment, including the President. They tried to destroy him there. Trump came in. What was the first thing Hillary said? ‘He’s not elected.’ She challenged the legitimacy of his Presidency from the very beginning, and so, too, did the Democratic Establishment. And then now we move on to 2020….

“They went in and they changed the way elections work. They took advantage of the Covid pandemic to impose new systems of voting, the mail-in ballot, things that the system wasn’t prepared for. They rapidly rushed these through, probably in unconstitutional manners, in certain states, where they bypassed normal legislative processes.… We’ll call this ‘extra-constitutional means.’ And I wrote the article [in December 2019], and I said this is what happened. Now I remember publishers, both in America and out, said, ‘We can’t touch that. Too conspiratorial.’ If you know anything about me, I hate conspiracy theories. I despise them with a passion! So I don’t do conspiracy theories—I do facts. I do fact-based analysis…. Anybody who knows anything about me, knows that I’m not a pro-Trump guy: I’m a pro-fact guy. Well, the week after I submitted the article, and it was rejected, Time magazine ran a front-page story, talking about the extra-constitutional means used by Google, and the media, and unelected representatives to create the conditions … to ensure that Donald Trump never won the election, which is exactly what I wrote in my article. … I’m also somebody, who said that once the Constitutional processes of the 12th Amendment kicked in, and Congress began counting the vote of the Electoral College, it’s a done deal….”

Ritter then discussed the legal cases thrown against Trump, the media campaign against him, the various means to try to bankrupt him and his Presidential effort. Then, “when all of it didn’t work, when all of the efforts to keep this guy from running, failed, they tried to kill him. And he should be dead: If you take a look at what happened that day, it is just—I’m not religious, but, man, something happened there, because his head was literally in the only position it could be, not to have his skull blown off. Any slight deviation, and that High Velocity 5.56 round would have turned his skull into pink mist. That’s a sniper term—it means your head explodes. That’s what would have happened on national TV, live.

“But it didn’t, because for whatever reason, he angled it just right, and that bullet just clipped. Divine intervention? Who the hell knows? He’s alive. He shouldn’t be alive. The Establishment tried to kill him, and that’s the reality.…

Ritter then made a proposal for what he thought would be the only way to have an investigation of the assassination attempt. “I’ll give the Congress a hint right now: Form a special committee. Delegate, go to each governor, and have the governor provide you with their best law enforcement people. Form a committee, of people committed to best law enforcement practices, and have them investigate this—people who don’t have a dog in this hunt, people who don’t have skin in the game. But you can’t have the FBI investigate an assassination attempt against the President that they’re probably involved in. You can’t have the Secret Service investigate itself. You can’t have the Department of Homeland Security investigate this. This needs to be taken to the people, and the people are represented by the Congress. And Congress can work with the governors, who are elected by the people, to create a people’s committee. Because we need that right now. The Establishment is at war with American democracy….”