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Sare to Interviewer Lascaris: Americans Are in Real Turmoil

LaRouche Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York Diane Sare gave an interview on June 28 to lawyer and political commentator Dimitri Lascaris, who is based in both Canada and in Greece. He has recently conducted onsite interviews from southern Lebanon and from Palestine’s West Bank, as well as conducting other interviews with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran.

In the interview, Sare explained that during New York’s petitioning process—by which she achieved ballot status for U.S. Senate in New York State—she had noticed that the dynamics had changed, improved, among the population: “Petitioning in Manhattan, in my first run against [incumbent Senator Charles] Schumer [in 2022], we had a very hard time getting signatures in Manhattan. People tended not to stop [to talk], and it was just a difficult place to petition.” Now, however, many New Yorkers are anguished and sense the urgency for them to effect political change.

Sare explained: “When petitioning near Columbia University, recently, it became apparent how anguished Jewish residents of New York are about this conflict in southwest Asia ... about seeing the students treated so badly ... about the barbaric crimes of the IDF, about the hostages. People were in a real turmoil.”

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