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Strong-Arm Tactics by Party Hacks & Insiders to Support Biden

Usually at this point in an election cycle political machines are mobilized on winning over undecided voters, however this year, leaders in the Biden campaign are focused on their own party’s rank and file. According to the Wall Street Journal a poll released on June 30 reveals that 72% of registered voters think that Biden does not have the “mental and cognitive health to serve as President,” so especially many local and county level party leaders are looking for alternatives. There have been many private conversations by Democratic congressional leaders and others on the best way to transition away from Biden. Even former Democratic National Committee (DNC) vice chair R.T. Rybak warned on his Facebook account that, “Our elected officials are staying shockingly silent in public, especially considering how many of them acknowledge privately that this has to happen,” he wrote. “They fear political retribution but they should really fear that if we lose this election because they didn’t have the guts to do what they know needs to be done, holy hell and history will come down on them like an anvil. Call their offices, circulate this or write your own but speak up now. Worrying about this with each other in private won’t get this done.”

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