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TASS Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on NATO Missile Deployment in Germany

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche insisted that the announced deployment of NATO missiles in Germany was anything but in the interest of the German people, in an interview published today with the Russian news agency TASS.

Under the title “U.S. Missile Deployment in Germany Does Not Meet Country’s Interests, Says Expert,” TASS wrote: “The deployment of U.S. long-range missiles in Germany does not meet Berlin’s interests and poses a threat of escalation, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, told TASS on Monday. The plans of deploying U.S. long-range capabilities in Germany horrified people, the expert said.

“‘The only hope is that the vast majority of people will realize that they are just the cannon fodder in a potential war, which has nothing to do with the interest of Germany,’ she stressed.

“The expert compared the situation to the Euromissile crisis between NATO and the Soviet Union in the 1980s, when hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets, having realized that ‘nuclear war was just a few minutes away.’

“‘If Germany submits to the concept of global NATO, namely the containment of Russia, China and the Global Majority, it will allow the only economic future it has to be cut off. It is extremely dangerous, but not yet hopeless, because what the establishment says is not the reality of what the population think,’ Zepp-LaRouche said.”