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A plurality of Ukrainians now think that “it is time” for “official peace talks” with Russia. The June 20-28 survey by the non-governmental Razumkov Center for Political and Economic Studies, on behalf of the news outlet, finds that almost 44% believe that “it is time” for “official peace talks” with Russia; 35% are opposed and 21% are undecided. This appears to be a significant swing, as, even after last year’s disastrous counter-offensive, the needle only swung very modestly, from under 10% to somewhat above 10%.

However, beyond that swing, there is significant opposition to various terms, as 83% would not agree to the withdrawal of troops from former Ukrainian territories, and 84% would oppose recognizing those regions as part of Russia. A “minimal necessary condition” for an agreement was their regaining all land that Kiev claims (51.5%), with 25.5% are okay with keeping everything except Crimea. A new border along the current frontline was ok with only 9%. Otherwise, over 46% of respondents said there was “no shame” in dodging conscription.