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War Party Turns Ukraine's High Schools into Military Training Camps, Manned by Molfar and Azov Battalion

Ukraine’s Ministry of Education has updated the curriculum of the “Defense of Ukraine” program required for 10th and 11th grade students, boys and girls alike, into a training program for their designated future as cannon fodder for NATO’s intended permanent war against Russia.

The July 23 announcement of the changes also makes clear the idea is to drive Ukraine’s high school children into a Nazi youth movement. The neo-Nazi, Anglo-American-run Ukrainian targeting agency, Molfar-OSINT has been brought in to the develop the curriculum, while “the unit of the 12th special purpose brigade `Azov’ became the first among the Defense Forces, whose soldiers participated in the reform of the `Defense of Ukraine’ course in grades 10-11 of Ukrainian schools,” Media Detector reported July 13. Citing the Azov brigade’s Telegram channel, Media Detector reports that “Azov residents will train future trainers in the field of military management theory according to NATO standards.”

The Ministry of Education announced that “the draft program provides a single content for all students, regardless of gender.…” Detector and other media report that “the updated program emphasizes practical training. The program included the study of drone control, information security, navigation, open source intelligence (OSINT) and psychological resilience. Field meetings or training will be held to consolidate skills. Educational excursions, games, etc. are also possible.” The training centers are being equipped with “computer simulators for controlling drones, interactive laser shooting simulators and mannequins for teaching medical aid.” More than 140 trainers have been selected to train the teachers for these courses, it is reported.

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