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Xi Jinping’s Speech to the SCO on New International Realities

Xi Jinping addressing the SCO Kazakhstan. Credit: GGTN Facebook page

Under the title: “Joining Hands To Build a More Beautiful Home of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,” China’s President Xi Jinping spoke to the SCO Plus Meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan on July 4. He opened with a Chinese saying: “No mountain or ocean can distance people who have shared aspirations.” He added: “Today, we get together for our first ‘SCO Plus’ Meeting, with good friends and new partners in the same room holding important discussions. This shows that under the new circumstances of the new era, the vision of our Organization is widely popular, and that SCO member states have friends across the world.” Belarus became a new permanent member of the SCO yesterday at the Heads of State Council Meeting.

On the international situation, President Xi said: “The international landscape is undergoing rapid transformation. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing fast. As human civilization marches forward in big strides, factors of insecurity, instability and uncertainty are evidently increasing. To cope with this major transformation, the key is to have the wisdom to see the changes, the ability to deal with the changes, and the courage to make changes. We need to bear in mind that we live in a community with a shared future, and always uphold the Shanghai Spirit.”

He proposed altogether five principles to be followed:

• First, we should build a common home of solidarity and mutual trust. A few days ago, China held the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The Shanghai Spirit is consistent with the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It is the shared value of our Organization, and should be all the more cherished and faithfully observed at all times.

• Second, we should build a common home of peace and tranquility. Security is a prerequisite for national development, and safety is the lifeline to happiness of the people. No matter how the international landscape changes, our Organization must hold the bottom line of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Real security is premised on the security of all countries…. As the current chair of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, China will do what it can to ensure the success of the Interaction-2024 joint counterterrorism exercise and other events.

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