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EIR Daily News • Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Lead

Justice for Hiroshima Requires the LaRouche "Oasis Plan"

by David Shavin (EIRNS) — Aug. 06, 2024

A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan 79 years ago today. Over 100,000 civilians perished in a horrible fashion.

Today, Ukraine attempted a land invasion of Russia with up to 300 soldiers and 30 armored vehicles, reportedly with American M4 automatic rifles. Assumedly, at least some of the armored vehicles were also from the U.S.

Also today, in Moscow, Speaker of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin called to citizens in the United States and in Europe to consider what their leaders are doing: “As Washington and Brussels coordinate the military operation in Ukraine, posing a threat to Russia’s security, parliaments and citizens in the United States and the European Union should understand that their leaders who have lost their minds may lead the world to tragic consequences.” He referenced the tragedy in Hiroshima.

For two weeks now, since the U.S. Congress joined Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in an orgasmic celebration of God’s holy call to decimate the heathens in Lebanon, Iran, and elsewhere in Southwest Asia, Netanyahu has made it abundantly clear to non-believers that he never intended to rescue any hostages, to stop the killing of Palestinian civilians (in Gaza or the West Bank), or to stop short of a regional war. The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the key Hamas leader who was leading the negotiations for a ceasefire, is not a confusing signal, at least for anyone who refuses to blink.

Meanwhile, President Biden and the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken perform a ritualistic ‘kabuki theater’ sort of dance, advising Netanyahu not to go too far and telling Israel and Iran to play nice. Sy Hersh stated the obvious, that “Biden’s inability to understand the recklessness and depravity of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose hatred of Palestinians has now brought the Middle East and America to the brink of a war that is neither desired nor necessary,” is the core issue. “The Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran… was a clear message that there will be no ceasefire in Gaza, as long as Netanyahu is in power… Nobody but a madman would have done what he did in these last days. He killed the negotiator to ceasefire talks while he was an official visitor to the swearing in of a new President in Tehran.”

Biden may well not understand the beastman that he used to think he could manage. Certainly, some amongst Western leaders have lost their minds and have no way out of a profound tragedy. However, others, convinced that there is no choice but to double down, yet again, betting on buying more time for the multi-quadrillion derivatives bubble, calculate that they have no choice but a thermonuclear showdown with Russia and China. Regardless of the state of damage to their minds, those have surely long ago lost their souls.

The whole world knows that Washington could simply pull the plug on their military proxies in Ukraine and Israel; but the whole world hasn’t yet fallen in behind the type of solution that could work for both Ukraine and Israel, but also Russia, China and the U.S.—the LaRouche “Oasis Plan,” involving massive, long-term transformation of the deserts of the region into gardens, through massive irrigation, plentiful nuclear energy, etc.

Why sit there and wonder what day your savings, your pension fund, your home equity, etc., goes up in smoke, or what day a thermonuclear terror puts an end to your unease? There’s never been a better time to own the solution.


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