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Argentine Judge Orders Raid on Offices of Cabinet Minister Who Starves the Poor

Argentine Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello yesterday ordered federal police to raid the offices of Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello. For months she has defied at least two court orders, ordering her to distribute 5 million kilos of food stored in two federal warehouses—one in Buenos Aires province and one in Jujuy province—that were supposed to go to community food kitchens in urban centers that feed the increasing number of poor. Federal police seized computers, documents and other important files, according to La Política Online Aug. 29.

Pettovello, a close political ally of the sadistic Libertarian President Javier Milei, who has supported her defiance of the court, lost her appeals of the previous court orders, but still refused to distribute the food, filing yet another appeal at the Supreme Court. The Argentine branch of the UNICEF found in a recent survey that 1.5 million Argentine children are going hungry and at least 1 million go to bed at night without dinner. Parents frequently skip meals so their children can eat.

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