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EIR This Week: 'There Is No Cure for Deep Hatred but a Brave Act of Love'

EIR Vol. 51, No. 31, will go to subscribers Thursday, August 8. The cover photo shows Lyndon LaRouche, with the headline, ‘There Is No Cure for Deep Hatred but a Brave Act of Love,’ which is taken from a 2004 writing of his, reprinted in this issue.

The Editorial is “Time Doesn’t Cure All Ills—Without a New Paradigm, Humanity Is Finished” by Jason Ross.

I. International

Forum of the Italian Independence Party: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Sovereignism and Peace, by Claudio Celani

Orvieto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Speech to Panel Titled “The Ghost of Sovereignism Is Once Again Haunting Europe” at the Forum of Italian Independence in Orvieto, Italy on July 27, 2024

International Coalition Calls for Urgent Action in Gaza: Implement UN Resolution 377 Now, by EIR Staff

China Plenum Charts a Course for New Scientific Breakthroughs, by Bill Jones

Schiller Institute Weekly Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: The Strategic Imperative for a Classical Renaissance

II. Interview

Prof. Richard Falk: Western ‘Liberal Democracies’ Responsible for Genocide in Palestine

III. United States

‘Soft Coup’ in Washington? Democratic Party Establishment Sacrifices Biden To Save the Permanent War Policy, by Harley Schlanger

IV. History and Culture

Book Review by Philip Ulanowsky: A Nationbuilder’s Handbook: Defeating Slavery—Hamilton’s American System Showed the Way, by Nancy Spannaus

V. From Lyndon LaRouche

On the Death of Arafat: A Turning-Point in History—Nov. 12, 2004, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.