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Financial Times Proclaims, ‘Russia’s Threats Have Come to Nothing’

The City of London’s daily Financial Times carries the story August 27, “Why Ukraine’s Allies Are Divided over Deep Strikes into Russia,” with the revealing kicker, “U.K. Has Pressed U.S. To Back Kyiv’s Use of Storm Shadow Missiles on Russian Territory.” The British Empire is pushing the suicidal line that NATO can ignore Russia’s red lines on the basis that Russia would never use its nuclear arsenal, even if Russia’s very existence is put into threat by NATO bombardment of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The article states, “President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stepped up his appeals to allies to lift all their restrictions on the use of Western weapons against targets on Russian territory after Moscow launched its biggest mass missile and drone strikes on Ukraine since February 2022. Zelenskyy has made it Ukraine’s top diplomatic priority to persuade Washington and other Western capitals to allow it to hit air bases and other military sites deep within Russia that are used to launch strikes against Ukraine.”

FT states the protagonists: “The issue has divided Kyiv’s allies: the U.K. and France are eager to allow Ukraine to strike military targets deep within Russian territory while the U.S. and Germany are opposed.” Furthermore, “On previous occasions Britain and France have moved ahead when the U.S. was still reticent. They were the first to pledge Western tanks to Ukraine. And they supplied cruise missiles last year when Washington was still refusing to send long-range ATACMS.” And, “London has been making the case to Washington for months that Ukraine should be able to fire U.K. Storm Shadows at targets inside Russia. Well-placed figures have told the FT that the British government sent a request to both Washington and Paris earlier this summer to that effect.”

While the U.S. may be less resistant to use of long-range missiles than the City of London mouthpiece portrays, it is overwhelmingly true that each new escalation in the NATO war has come from London. The denizens of London lie that Russia will never respond: “Ukraine and its more hawkish supporters, say Washington and Berlin have repeatedly invoked the risk of provoking the Kremlin to justify not sending Ukraine precision missiles, tanks and F-16 fighter jets. But on each occasion when those weapons have eventually been supplied, Moscow’s threats have come to nothing.”

The Times of London on Aug. 21 also cited British officials claiming that the West can escalate the war in Ukraine without fearing that the Russians’ threat of using nuclear weapons will be activated.