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Germany Issues an Arrest Warrant on Nord Stream Diver

While Denmark and Sweden have dropped any investigations, and the United States has spent its energy to prevent any serious investigation, Germany has issued an arrest warrant for a diver whom they allege placed two explosives which were later detonated on Sept. 26, 2022 at the Baltic submarine gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. The arrest warrant is for an Ukrainian diving instructor who is identified—and we are not making this up—as “Volodymyr Z,” according to British daily The Guardian. Media reports include two other suspects, a man and a woman, both are also Ukrainian diving instructors, but as yet, no arrest warrants have been issued for them. The three suspects traveled under false identities including Romanian and Bulgarian passports and a stolen ID from a Ukrainian soldier. The suspect, Volodymyr Z, is believed to have been hiding in Poland, but when Germany requested his arrest, Polish officials reported that he had already left the country and was last seen crossing into Ukraine.

German officials have compiled much evidence against Volodymyr Z including boat rentals and even the image of his face captured by a speed camera on Sept. 8, 2022 near the German island of Rügen, near the pipelines’ German terminus. However, even the Washington Post has figured out that there are many holes in the story and even the rented boat, the 50 foot yacht Andromeda could be a “decoy.” Investigators for EIR have insisted that any competent investigation start with then-Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, on Jan. 27, 2022, and President Joe Biden, on Feb. 7, had told reporters, respectively, that “one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward” and “If Russia invades ... there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” Nearly eight months later, on Sept. 26, 2022, the pipelines were exploded. Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh stated on his Feb. 8, 2023 report on his Substack site indicating that the entire operation against the Russian-German pipelines was U.S. run from start to finish. Hersh even documents how the divers were trained at the U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center near Panama City, Florida. President Biden says the world has to stand up against terrorism, but he is very quiet on the terror attack against the Nord Stream pipeline, whose part-owner is a U.S. ally.