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Lindsey Graham Introduces Legislation for War on Iran

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is just itching for war against Iran. Just before the U.S. Congress recessed for its August break, he introduced legislation that would authorize President Joe Biden to use military force against Iran if he determines that Iran has capabilities that “threaten the national security interests of the United States,” reported Sputnik. Sputnik notes, however, that the language of the bill is so broad that it could potentially allow Biden to attack Iran at will. The bill lowers the threshold from Iran posing a nuclear threat, to Iran simply possessing missiles that could carry a nuclear warhead—even though Iran is believed not to possess one. Since it already has such missiles, Biden would be authorized by the bill to strike Iran, at his will.

The operative text of the bill is as follows:

“The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against the Islamic Republic of Iran if the President determines that the Islamic Republic of Iran—

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