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On August 15th, Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr. Proposed a New Bretton Woods Conference

“Today, August 15th is the 53rd anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s unilateral actions that ended the post-World War II Bretton Woods agreements. Since that day, the U.S. and the world have gone further and further into a post-industrial casino economy, one of floating exchange rates, financial speculation, and fiat currency for war.

“As President, I will pull together a New Bretton Woods conference/process, one that will include nations as equals and not a process that puts the British Commonwealth or American elites at the top. We must partner with nations around the world for peace, which can only be sustained by long-term economic cooperation and real economic growth.

“This conference/process can also address concerns over AI, blockchain, and CBDCs. The focus will be on putting the interests of people and sovereign nations over the interests of a shadowy global financial oligarchy, one that uses central banking to bully nations into policies that mostly benefit a shrinking elite.”