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Provocateur vs Provocateur—66 Arrested at Staged Event in Chicago

Protesters from the group March on the DNC have been meeting at Union Park in Chicago and then marching to the Democratic National Convention. Mostly the events have been peaceful, but on August 20, a staged event was designed to pit pro-Gaza provocateurs against “White Supremacist” provocateurs. A small group of violent provocateurs, called Behind Enemy Lines did not march to the Dem convention, but instead marched to Israel’s Consulate at a busy transportation hub in downtown Chicago. These violent provocateurs are not part of the larger protest movement and use the slogan of “Make It Great Like '68” referring to the violent clashes at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

The Chicago Sun-Times covered provocateurs with “White Supremacist” signs waiting at the consulate in order to confront the marching provocateurs.

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