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Roscosmos Chief Said Russia Prepared To Bring Stranded U.S. Astronauts Home

Yuri Borisov, the director of the Roscosmos Space Agency, said that, if asked, Russia would be prepared to send a Soyuz to the International Space Station to bring the stranded U.S. astronauts home, reported Pravda on Aug. 16. Speaking at the Territory of Meanings Forum, Borisov said that space should be outside of politics. He said that Roscosmos was in “constant dialogue” with NASA on the matter, but no decision has been made. The U.S. decision would fall on Kamala Harris, who, as Vice President is Chairman of the National Space Council.

The Starliner vehicle, built by Boeing, which took two astronauts to the space station, has developed problems. Boeing is convinced that it can return the vehicle to Earth, but NASA is not prepared to risk the lives of the astronauts with still uncertain problems existing with the Starliner. The other option they have is to send the scheduled SpaceX mission to the ISS with two rather than the planned four astronauts, leaving room for the two stranded astronauts.