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Russia has just completed and put into operation a new railway running from Rostov-on-Don, in the country’s southwest, to Mariupol, in Donbass. The construction began in November 2023, just nine months ago. It will affect both the military and the reconstruction of the Donbass. Petr Andryushchenko, an advisor to Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko, asserted, “This can dramatically change the situation at the front by improving the logistics of the Russians.”

Construction was slowed by two months, due to Ukrainian military strikes during the winter, and by another month from sabotage at the Kalchik quarry by Ukrainian terrorists near Mariupol, Andryushchenko claimed.

The new line from Rostov to Mariupol passes through Hranitne and Malovodne, also in Donetsk. Andryushchenko wrote in his Aug. 4 Telegram post: “This [rail line] can radically change the situation at the front due to the improvement of the logistics of the Russians. And don’t talk about an ‘alternative to the Crimean bridge.’ This is false. This is an independent autonomous branch, which currently has more capacity and power than the bridge.”