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Sare Symposium: ‘Nagasaki, 79 Years Later: We’ve Had Our Last Chance’

On Friday, August 9, LaRouche Independent candidate for U.S. Senate in New York Diane Sare aired her weekly New York Symposium, “Nagasaki, 79 Years Later: We’ve Had Our Last Chance.”

Sare’s first guest was Prof. Steven Starr, director of the University of Missouri’s Clinical Laboratory Science Program, as well as a senior scientist at the Physicians for Social Responsibility, and a leading expert on the effects of nuclear war. His slideshow documented the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by bombs of 15-20 kilotons of TNT equivalent. Today’s bombs are vastly larger. Newly developed nuclear-powered torpedo drones and hypersonic missiles could end all life on Earth, yet our leaders seem to have forgotten it all.

Sare was then joined by Carl Osgood, an expert on military affairs for Executive Intelligence Review weekly. Osgood discussed the question, “Why would anyone do this?” He quoted British oligarch Lord Bertrand Russell who, in 1946, called for a world government that would hold the sole control of atomic bombs, as well as of all military force—at that time aimed at the Soviet Union. Today, America is acting with the same intent.

In 1994, Lyndon LaRouche attacked this mass murderous idea and the widely propagated lie

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