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Sare Symposium: The Power of the Presidency: Why the British Kill American Presidents

On Friday, July 26th, LaRouche Independent candidate for U.S. Senate in New York Diane Sare held her weekly New York Symposium, titled, “The Power of the Presidency: Why the British Kill American Presidents.”

Sare began with a report on China’s successful diplomacy to resolve differences between numerous Palestinian leadership factions, based on a vision of development for the future. She reviewed the war situation in Ukraine and the assassination attempt against Donald Trump. She reminded the audience that former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney in 2019 called for regime change that would put central banks in control of key government policy—a bankers’ dictatorship eliminating the power of the presidency.

Sare’s guests were Robert Wesser and Chris Sare, both historians for the campaign, who reported on the list of American presidents who have been assassinated and the impact on our nation. Wesser began with a discussion of the LaRouche movement 1994 pamphlet, “Why The British Kill American Presidents.” He went through the cases of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. In each case, the murder victim was attempting to implement John Quincy Adams’s stated plan to sweep away empire—all over the world. The “lone assassin” theory was put forward in every case, but in each case there was documented evidence of conspiracy involving Wall Street and the City of London.

New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated while running for Democratic nomination for President. There was also an attempt on Franklin Roosevelt’s life as he ran for President, and President Ronald Reagan was shot soon after he took office. On July 1st, just last month, Diane Sare warned of the threat of the assassination of Trump. That attempt occurred on July 13. Don’t “wait to see” what happens in November. Get active now!

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