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Scott Ritter Exposes FBI and State Department, with Ukraine's CCD, Run Hit List Against Americans

Scott Ritter, whose home was raided by the FBI on Aug. 7, provided an important account on Aug. 9 of the filthy arrangement between the FBI, U.S. State Department, and the official Ukrainian hit list, produced by the “Centering for Countering Disinformation” (CCD). The CCD hit list, produced in 2022, heavily targeted Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and many of the Institute’s guests and collaborators. EIR publishes a transcript of the pertinent section from the Aug. 9 Ritter broadcast, “Ask the Inspector,” after he identified the FBI as collaborating with Ukrainian intelligence in targeting the social media accounts of Americans:

“We know that the State Department funded the creation of the Center for Countering Disinformation, working under the auspices of the Presidency of Ukraine. With the State Department’s assistance, this Center for Countering Disinformation—the first act they did was to publish a blacklist, singling out Americans, journalists, politicians, etc, who were against the war in Ukraine—my name featured amongst that. Indeed, the Center for Countering Disinformation, for a while, was publishing their weekly ‘Most Dangerous Russian Propagandist,’ and I was it…. I was #1 for a long, long time. Probably still am.

“Again, this is a Ukrainian entity acting on the behest of the United States, its government, funded by the United States government, organized by the United States government. This blacklist that they put out, again, in a meeting that was coordinated by the U.S. government, they announced that everybody who was on that, should be treated as an ‘information terrorist.’ And then again, with the State Department present and coordinating, they said that, by ‘information terrorist,’ they mean real terrorists, and treated as such.

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