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German columnist Norbert Häring has exposed an attempt by George Soros’s “Open Society” operation to influence the coming elections in Germany. They commissioned a study to accuse Sahra Wagenknecht’s BSW party of “extreme rightwing views,” (i.e. anti-Green, anti-immigration and anti-war). The result of the study was reproduced by a prime time national TV channel ZDF, though concealing that it came from Soros’s Open Society.

“BSW Voters Often Have Extreme Right-Wing Positions” is the headline of the Aug. 22 ZDF-Heute report, Häring wrote. “The opening credits add that they also have a lot in common with AfD voters. This is the result of ‘a study by the Berlin research institute dpart, which the broadcaster received in advance. The message could hardly be clearer: ‘If you’re not far-right and proud of it, don’t vote for BSW.’. The election-influencing intention is obvious, especially as the underlying survey took place in April and May.”

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