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National Security Adviser Sullivan Biggest Accomplishment in China, Was 11 Hours of Discussion!

While National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made no progress in pressuring China to restrict trade with Russia, the meeting with President Xi Jinping may have somewhat stabilized the relationship during the ongoing presidential campaign, which has already begun to focus on the issue of China. The Chinese side called on the U.S. to adhere to principles which lay at the basis of the relationship, as emphasized by President Xi Jinping, and that means mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

While Sullivan went home unable to budge the Chinese leadership on their relationship with Russia, he did have 11 hours of discussion with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in which all the issues which comprise this relationship were touched upon. He also met, at his own request, with Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of the China Military Commission, in which the military-to-military relationship and Taiwan would have been discussed.

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