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Top U.S. Nuclear Weapons Expert Sounds the Alarm: U.S. Arming for Preemptive Nuclear War

Ted Postol. Credit: C-SPAN

That warning was issued by Dr. Ted Postol, MIT professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and National Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and nuclear weapons expert, in an article published August 29 by Responsible Statecraft. Postol argues that President Biden’s secret nuclear engagement order from March, revealed by the New York Times nine days before, is centered on the already-underway program to add a so-called “super-fuse” which “drastically increases the `killing power’ of a ballistic missile-delivered warhead,” making it possible—on paper—to knock out all Russian and Chinese land-based nuclear silos simultaneously.

Postol details how the “super-fuse” (called “super-fuze") modification achieves the warheads’ “fantastic increase in killing efficiency.” It is the strategic implications of this program, however, which is most frightening. Postol is emphatic: This is not some “slight modernization” of weapons components, “but a dramatic step towards the capability to fight and win nuclear wars with both China and Russia.” These are “preemptive strike technologies.” Russia and China both know that, and “will have no choice but to implement countermeasures,” he warns.

You read that correctly. Postol is warning that the current leadership in the U.S. believes it could win a nuclear war and is preparing to fight one. In his words:

“Although any technically accurate assessment of the physical consequences of the large-scale use of nuclear weapons instantly shows that `winning’ a nuclear war has no meaning, the United States has strenuously emphasized the development of nuclear weapons technologies that could only make sense if their intended purpose is for fighting and winning nuclear wars.

“The super-fuze is exactly that kind of technology….

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