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“Mortality in Ukraine in 2024 is three times higher than the birth rate,” Ukrainska Pravda reported Aug. 5, citing statistics gathered from Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice published by Opendatabot, a Ukrainian open data platform. The article reports:

“A total of 87,655 children were born in Ukraine in the first half of 2024, which is 9% down from the same period last year. At the same time, 250,972 deaths were recorded during this period…. Currently, there are three deaths for every newborn in Ukraine. In 2018-2020, this figure was two deaths per child…. For comparison, 132,595 children were born in Ukraine in the first half of 2021. This figure has now decreased by 1.5 times.”

Ukraine’s demographic crisis is, however, likely to be far worse. Does the mortality rate include those killed in action? President Zelenskyy only admits to 31,000 soldiers killed so far, whereas others believe the military death toll may be in the hundreds of thousands, with many of the dead still counted as “missing in action.”

Whatever the truth figure may be, the drop in the birth rate alone adds another dimension to the Anglo-American powers’ “fight to the last Ukrainian” genocide against Ukraine itself. According to the Ministry of Health, “the birth rate in Ukraine has been declining by about 7% annually since 2013.” That means the war has “merely” accelerated the fall in the birth rate which occurred under the U.S./NATO-dominated governments which followed Victoria Nuland’s 2014 Maidan coup, whose reign, in turn, “merely” accelerated the collapse in Ukraine’s potential relative population density which began in earnest when Ukraine fell under IMF rule in 1992.