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EIR Daily News • Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Lead

Imbuing a Nation, and the World, with Purpose

by Jason Ross (EIRNS) — Sep. 07, 2024

Leadership means providing a purpose, a mission, to a nation, a group, or the world as a whole. The needed purpose for countries of the world today, their moral mission, is to achieve the development of economies and cultures to eliminate poverty, explore the frontiers of science, and provide the people the opportunity for true happiness and flourishing mental health that comes with the recognition that their lives have necessary, enduring meaning.

The meetings of the International Peace Coalition have served as a forum to discuss the perilous danger of nuclear war, from the broader context of the new security and development architecture that must supplant the axioms driving the rush to war.

While Anglo-American NATO attempts to maintain its hegemony through the threat of nuclear warfare, while censoring those who protest and blocking any meaningful change to the economic policies that are driving that bloc’s collapse, other parts of the world are thinking of the future.

Take for example the latest announcement about the next major space mission by China, Tianwen-3, which will be the first time that human beings send a spacecraft to Mars, land on it, and bring back samples to Earth, arriving back on our planet in 2028. This follows the Mars lander and orbiter of the Tianwen-1 mission, which landed on the red planet in 2021, and will follow the 2025 launch of Tianwen-2, which will capture a sample from an asteroid and return it to Earth. Thinking ahead, China then plans Tianwen-4 to visit the outer gas giants of our solar system.

This past week saw the 2024 summit meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. Unlike a NATO or G7 meeting, the discussion was not focused on enemies, but on growth and development. China has committed approximately $50 billion over the next years for industrialization, agricultural development, security cooperation (including mine clearing), energy supply, and more. “The ultimate goal of modernization is the free and full development of human beings,” said the host of the summit, President of China Xi Jinping. What impact on the future security and peace of the world will this $50 billion investment bring? Contrast it to the effect of $50 billion in weapons and financing for the Kiev regime.

Contrast the FOCAC approach of support for energy infrastructure with the latest Western-oriented NGO opposing a major hydrocarbon project in Eastern Africa, on the basis of supposed environmental harms. This group attempting to stifle development was called out by an African energy leader as “an organization fixated on perpetuating global energy poverty.”

We enter into a moral arena, a time of decision on what course humanity will take.

The literally insane Anglo-American elites are pushing to expand the NATO war against Russia, throwing caution to the wind and ignoring Russian red lines; they are supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people by an Israeli government that has essentially destroyed what moral standing that nation enjoyed; they are intent on seeing China’s rise as inherently a threat, and are promoting Taiwanese militarization and trade wars against China. These policies hold the whole world back by preventing technological exchange.

Work to replace this entire paradigm—and the sometimes hidden axioms of Malthusianism or cultural malaise that enable it—with one suited to the dignity of the human individual.

Watch and share the powerful presentations that opened this week’s Friday meeting on September 6 of the International Peace Coalition.


Science and Technology

Strategic War Danger

U.S. and Canada

New World Paradigm

Collapsing Imperial System


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