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British Continue To Run the Drive Toward War

Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 Aircraft with Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles. Credit: CC/Defense Imagry

The Times of London on Thursday came out with another salacious article, further underlining that forces in Britain are out front in today’s drive for global war. Without citing any evidence or even an anonymous source, the Times boldly claims that the Kiev regime may get “private dispensation” from the U.S. and U.K. to fire Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia, without a formal announcement. “Western diplomats are poised to sign off on the decision but could hold back from making an official announcement at the UN next week,” The Times said. “The Times understands there is wariness about publicizing the move in advance to alert Russia. An agreement could therefore be struck in private to allow Ukraine to fire the British and French-made cruise missiles into Russia with the element of surprise, diplomatic sources said.”

The article goes on to make roundabout claims, that many want to “show NATO was ‘moving as one,’” and avoid the impression of Britain and the U.S. “dominating decisions,” but that “senior figures in the U.S. administration were focused on ‘legacy-building’” and holding up the decision. Nonetheless, The Times claims, “the U.S. was moving closer to giving the green light.”

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