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Doug Bandow Writes for American Conservative, U.S. Should Drop Use of Nuclear Weapons, Avoid Suicide

Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, and frequent contributor to the American Conservative magazine, wrote “America Should Avoid, Not Fight, Future Nuclear Wars,” on Sept. 12, once more warning that because of U.S. and British policy, the world is on the edge of nuclear war.

Bandow cites the joint op-ed by U.S. CIA Director William J. Burns and U.K.’s SIS Chief Richard Moore published in Financial Times on Sept. 7. The Anglo-American spy chiefs declare that “the international order … is under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War.” This, Bandow asserts, “is more because of, than in spite of Washington’s conduct, particularly its reckless pursuit of global primacy.” Springing from failed policy, “The U.S. faces the possibility of expanded conflict in the Middle East and great-power war in both Europe and Asia. Worse, the latter two could go nuclear, with the American homeland a potential target.”

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