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Eastern Economic Forum Opens in Vladivostok To Develop Russia and Euro-Asia

President Vladimir Putin arrival in Vladivostok. With Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev and Governor of the Primorye Territory Oleg Kozhemyako (right) and Deputy Prime Minister.

The Ninth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) conference, which will take place over Sept. 3-6, opened in Vladivostok, Russia today. The conference is crucial for the development of Russia’s huge Far Eastern district and for its relations with all of the “Eurasian space.” It is a major part of the effort by the BRICS nations and the Global Majority to construct a new world-development order, based on economic production, industrialization, infrastructure, and the development of citizens’ cognitive powers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the conference and its participants, which is meeting under the theme, “Far East 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential”:

“Over the years, the Forum has contributed significantly to the development of constructive economic ties between our country and other states in the Asia-Pacific region. …

“The influence of the Asia-Pacific region in international affairs is growing fast. New opportunities for productive cooperation are opening up here, including within such authoritative multilateral structures as the Eurasian Economic Community, the SCO, and BRICS. I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that Russia is open to dialogue with all interested partners in the Asia-Pacific region and is determined to actively interact with others to build a fairer, more democratic system of international relations based on genuine equality, with no place for dictate, strong-arm tactics or sanctions pressure.”

The EEF is expected to attract as many as 6,000 participants from 76 countries and regions.

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