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EIR This Week: 'Actualizing Independence: The African Energy Bank'

EIR Vol. 51, No. 35, will go to subscribers Thursday, Sept. 5. The cover photo features the distillation column of the Dangote oil refinery in Nigeria, with the headline, “Actualizing Independence: The African Energy Bank.”

• The Editorial is “‘Dr. Strangelove’ Doesn’t Have Anything on NATO, When It Comes to Nuclear Insanity” by Dennis Small.

Section I. International

• “IPC 65: U.S. and NATO Propose To Launch and Win a Nuclear War vs. Russia,” by EIR Staff

• Weekly Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “Urgent Appeal from Russian General: Citizens of the West, Wake Up Before It’s Too Late!”

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche Interview by Nima R. Alkhorshid, on “Dialogue Works”: ‘Has NATO Gone Completely Insane? Israel’s Gamble That Could Ignite Chaos!’

This post is for paying subscribers only


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