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Erdogan Tells UNGA, Use Resolution 377, Stop Netanyahu Just as We Stopped Hitler

Türkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressing the UN General Assembly. Credit: UN Photo/Loep Felipe

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a fiery speech to the UN General Assembly today, without histrionics, but in a determined way, in which he took the United States to task—without mentioning it by name—a rarity for a NATO member.

After going through the statistics of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, including 41,000 Palestinians murdered, Erdogan said: “Hundreds of Gazan children have died so far because they were not able to find a bite of dry bread, a sip of water or a bowl of soup, and they are still dying. Not only children are dying in Gaza; the United Nations system is also dying, the truth is dying, the values that the West claims to defend are dying, the hopes of humanity to live in a fairer world are dying one by one.”

“And those who unconditionally support Israel! For how long will you continue to bear the shame of looking on this massacre, of being its accomplices? …

“The only reason for Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people is the unconditional support of a handful of countries to Israel. The countries that have an influence over Israel are openly becoming accomplices of this massacre with the policy of ‘run with hare, hunt with the hounds.’ Those who are supposedly working for a ceasefire in the limelight continue to send weapons and ammunition to Israel behind the stage, so that it can continue its massacres.”

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